Sunday, 15 November 2009

IBS in Children

During November Healthy audio Limited are offering 15% discount on their IBS Audio Program 60 for children.

The program was developed by myself, and follows the proven Ongoing Progressive session Induction Method (OPSIM) which I developed for the acclaimed IBS Audio Program 100 for adults.

Researchers are recognising hypnosis for IBS in children is just as beneficial, though many doctors prefer not use the word hypnosis which is a little strange since the word Hypnosis was a term first used by James Braid, a Scottish Physician in approx 1842!

This Hypnosis Audio Program is suitable for ages 8-13 years, it has an informational summary for parental / guardian listening, two introductory tracks for the child and six interlinked sessions, and has an accompanying booklet including listening schedule, check list, progress log and other relevant information.

IBS in Children is a troublesome distressing condition, for both child and parent. For those with children suffering with IBS you don't have to be told this! For those parents who have not considered hypnotherapy for the IBS condition then I hope the information on my website gives you hope, and whether or not you decide to use my program or seek out a therapist who has worked in this field, I wish you and your child well.

Emotional aspects of Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS

For the last few weeks I have been working with a team of videographers to produce my first You Tube video. I decided to do this because I feel it is important that people with IBS recognise the emotional impact IBS has on their well being, just as well as they identify the physical symptoms.

I passionately believe that until and unless IBS sufferers recognise that IBS has this dual impact on their lives they will find it hard to break free of IBS. Each day in my practice I explain this important facet of IBS, and literally all are unaware of it. It is part of the IBS condition largely ignored or unrecognised by the medical community.

In fact only recently a report was produced by a well known research establishment that finally acknowledges the importance emotions play in IBS, and how they have to be addressed if the sufferer is to obtain relief from their IBS. Fortunately the IBS Audio Program 100 has been explaining this to its users for the last 11 years!

So this video gives the viewer some insight into the importance of how the emotions are drained and the impact that has on the individual and their every day life.

The IBS Audio Program 100 for adults carries a fuller and deeper explanation, but I believe, and hope this video will at least bring an awareness of the importance of the emotional impact IBS has on their life.