Monday 31 May 2010

Home use IBS Treatment Audio Program

IBS Treatment Audio Program

Since 1998 the IBS Audio Program 100 has been helping people with all variants of IBS.
Now used in over 40 countries this trusted and proven home use audio program has quietly been providing relief for thousands of IBS sufferers.

IBS, as all sufferers will know is a common digestive disorder affecting up to 1 in 4 of the population at some time in their life. The most common physical symptoms are an urgency to need the toilet, pain, diarrhoea, constipation or alternating bowel habit, excess wind, bloating, bladder problems, fullness, nausea, pain in the back passage, lack of sex drive, pain during or after intercourse, disturbed sleep amongst others.

Modern medical science has no clear understanding of what causes IBS nor is there a medical cure; though through research some progress towards understanding the condition is developing.
As a clinical hypnotherapist who has spent many years researching and studying the IBS condition, in tandem with working with patients I believe the success of the IBS Audio Program 100 is based on several things, one being the understanding (which leading research bodies are now recognising) of the importance of the psychological impact of IBS on the individual.

People with IBS so often despair that the emotional impact of IBS is either ignored or simply not recognised by many in the medical profession. Anxiety, lack of confidence, diminished self esteem, weepiness, impatience, intolerance, poor memory and concentration and much more.

Emotions matter, plain and simple! Each thought we have creates a physical response, if the thought is about IBS, which for many starts the moment they open their eyes in the morning, then the body will respond. In the case of an IBS-D sufferer, if they are a teacher, what happens if they need the toilet in class, or a policeman on the beat, a fire fighter on call, or a mother picking up her child from school? What about the office worker who dreads meetings or presentations because of 'stomach gurgling', or even walking frequently to the bathroom? What about the cancelled trips out, the same too for the day trips out with the family, the last minute cancelling of social engagements? What clothes should they wear, if stomach distension and tenderness develop during the day? What if the agonising cramps and stabbing pains get to bad to walk, work or socialise.

All these and many more situations have an impact. And it builds over the weeks, months and years the IBS sufferer has to manage. They spend a fortune on ‘snake-oil products’, they are desperate, and therefore vulnerable. These thoughts have to be taken seriously.

See my video describing the importance of emotional energy and some of the impacts of low emotional energy in the lives of IBS sufferers.

The IBS Audio Program 100 is not a panacea, but it was developed specifically for IBS sufferers. Nor is a simple CD dealing with stress. It is structured listening program, the benefits of which often turn the lives around for listeners. We often receive unsolicited testimonials from around the globe thanking us for our work developing this program. We say we work quietly, but our work can cause a positive storm of excitement and positive developments in improving the Quality of Life (QoL) of our customers.

Two things trouble me however. Firstly it is the fact that even though the IBS Audio Program 100 helps many people to walk away from the IBS condition, I can’t say it is a cure. Why? Because IBS is a collection of symptoms, and although the medical profession do not find anything physically wrong, after looking for more sinister conditions of which IBS symptoms can mimic, the IBS label is attached.

And as mentioned earlier while the IBS Audio Program 100 isn’t a panacea, because no medication or treatment or therapy is, we can’t use the word cure for those who walk away from their physical and emotional symptoms, because the medical profession say there is nothing physically wrong to begin with!

And secondly, hypnotherapy has been an advised treatment option in the UK since February 2008 where the NICE guidelines state, hypnotherapy for IBS, deemed a psychological therapy by NICE, should be considered after twelve months of non effective pharmacological treatment, so why isn’t it? And more to the point, if I can add one further question, why should it be a last resort, not a first option, for in the same report hypnotherapy for IBS in children is suggested to be a first treatment option?

I am sure greater brains than mine are thinking about this, but it is a frustration for me. I know for my patients and users of the IBS Audio Program 100 also.
So many of whom walk away with great improvements in their quality of life, wonder why they had to experience years of pain, reduced quality of life, disappointment, repeated intrusive investigations, in some cases professional disbelief, spend literally thousands of pounds / dollars seeking for a solution before finding one. For them it is beyond frustration!

I wish you well,


Sunday 30 May 2010

Avoid Self Destruction ~ Saying Yes to You!

As a Clinical Hypnotherapist in practice I work with clients presenting all kinds of problems and conditions, such as IBS, Anxiety, Emotional issues, bereavement, confidence and self esteem, depression, insomnia and much more besides. I may also do some counselling work which weaves in nicely with any hypnotherapy sessions taken.

“Who is the most important person in your life at the moment” is a question I often ask my patients.
They stop talking, they peer at me looking for clues what to say, but all I want is an honest answer to what is after all a simple question. And given they are in my practice room, a safe, non judgemental environment where honesty is expected, the answer generally is indeed an honest one.

When they start telling me who the most important person in their life is, I raise both hands and count off the people they mention, encouraging them to name more names, husband or wife, children each one adding to the raising number of digits, aunties, uncles, brothers, sisters, friends even the cat, dog budgie sometimes, each one adding to the number of fingers I display to them as they speak.

When they get to 10, and sometimes it is much less than that if they stall answering the question, in those cases I given them more times and usually they add a few more.

I then ask another question, do you remember the question I asked you?

Yes, they reply, it was “who is the most important person in your life at the moment” often said with pride.

My next question often however brings an important point to light.

Still holding my raised hands in front of them, with all fingers and both thumbs outstretched I ask “and where are you in this list”? And of course the vast majority understand straight away, they have ignored themselves; their own needs put to one side. This is laudable, but often detrimental to them.

I say to them, “we found quite quickly (and it often only takes 1 minute) 10 people which if anything happened to you, a hole would be ripped out of their lives. This is a sobering thought.

All too often we as individuals do not notice the importance of our lives in the lives of others, so often we say no to ourselves so we can say yes to others. Even when we know we are saying yes and no in the wrong places!

This is, as I said earlier laudable, but if you think about it, it makes no sense. Of course we have to be flexible at times, we have to do things we don’t want to do, I am not advocating complete selfishness, but we have to recognise that we can say yes and no where we want it to fit, we should take time out for ourselves and say yes to ourselves, so we can feel better, contribute more in the longer term, be more relaxed and rested in mind, body and emotions.

During these difficult social and economic times, we need to look at every which way we can be at ease with ourselves, to regain our confidence and self esteem, to be more relaxed, to find ways of enhancing our relationships with others and finding ways to help us be who and what we are capable of being.

The airline industry presents us with a great example of this.
Anyone who has flown and taken some interest in the safety procedures demonstrated by the cabin crew pre take off, will no doubt have noticed that adults are instructed in the case of any emergency where oxygen masks drop down in front of passengers, it is important that adults put on their oxygen masks before aiding their children with theirs. It makes perfect sense, you as the responsible adult can help your child much more effectively if you are not gasping for every breath; oxygen starved trying to help your child before you pass out, in which case your child will not stand much of a chance without you.

This much more dramatic example portrays the importance of looking after ourselves. In my office I come across people who are doing a slow motion version of not putting their masks on. They are struggling to help others while they are slowly driving themselves to despair, distraction and destruction.

And so it is we take responsibility for what we choose to do, and what we choose not to do.
I hope, those readers who have got this far, will consider looking after themselves, for simply it is not selfishness, it is self preservation.

I wish you well,

Friday 28 May 2010

New Help for Job Seekers after Redundancy

To help job-seekers who have been made redundant I produced a home use audio program which is available from Healthy Audio Limited. The program is currently on offer, making it even more affordable for those who want to make a difference in work and family lives.

The ‘Laid Off Move On’ audio program available on double CD or MP3 Download.

Program Overview
Firstly, This home use audio program was developed to be a foundation program. Everything else you need to be successful in your job search such as those listed below, all have one thing in common:

CV writing,
Interview techniques,
Networking skills,
Financial planning and others,

They need you to be interested! They need your drive, determination, focus and confidence in yourself and your abilities for them to be effective. But you may not feel you have them at the moment!

This program could help you to be in the right place emotionally to make the most of all the other things you do to gain employment.

For you to be successful in any or all of the above, you need the right foundation to build upon:

The right mental attitude,
You need to understand the emotions redundancy brings,
And, you need to deal with them.

Future employers will be looking for balanced, motivated people, and they have their pick. They have masses of people to recruit from, so you need to do everything you can to put yourself above the rest. Because your competitors most certainly will.

By building the right foundation, you can rebuild your prospects, build your understanding of what has held you back, rebuild your confidence, motivation and drive, and get going again.

Secondly, This program is a continuation of your training. You have had training in the past from your employer. This was to make you better at your job, to make you a better employee, more effective and more productive.

You should view this program as you taking additional training for yourself.
A resource to help you be more effective in yourself, and in helping you to be a better proposition to future employers, and to get the most out of whatever else you do to help yourself to move back into employment, or self employment.

In short, it is about you, and about helping you. It may even help to ward off causal depression, common in those who go through this often life changing experience.

I and later Healthy Audio Limited out years ago developing a solution to IBS a common digestive disorder, we took up the challenge of emotional recovery after breast and other cancers. We guide how to build confidence and self-esteem reduce anxiety, and we help in emotional renewal, and pain management and other areas too.

And in 2008 I took up the challenge of helping those made redundant.

Politicians talk about unemployment statistics; we work with the individuals affected. We are interested in supporting and encouraging our customers, we exist to bring support and guidance, hope and motivation. And we do it quietly, leaving the grand posturing, the sound bites and the spin to others.

We believe in times of crisis the worst thing we can do is bury our heads in the sand and hope it will go away. Nor should we talk ourselves into a deeper crisis, socially or individually. At these times, we have to be creative we have to develop new ways of working, thinking and feeling and viewing things in new perspectives. These difficult times will pass, but for now we have to make the best of a difficult situation. That change starts with you, helping yourself to move on, better and more confidently than in the past.

This crisis came about by people making investments in things that few could even understand, and it failed. But the rest of us can invest in ourselves, and you are the best one to do it.

We can build ourselves up again; we can make a massive difference individually and collectively. It has been said the wisest investment is in our selves, there is no greater feeling than that of self investment.

Developing our skills and being and feeling competent in ourselves and our abilities. During a TV interview last year I reinforced our determination and resolve to this audio program and our other programs too, simply put, “the human cost is massive, we all have a duty to do something to make it easier”. And we are, and so can you.

You can never lose by investing in yourself, and we believe it, we have invested in the development of this program, so you can help your own development.

Laid Off, Move On Audio program on CD or immediately available on MP3 download.

Whether it’s called being laid off, (UK/US) or redundancy (UK) for those who have lost their jobs, the impact is the same. For many it means an unexpected emotional roller-coaster ride which so often seems outside of your control. For some perhaps even depression.

Loss of status and peace of mind are experienced, feelings of security and confidence and much more are eroded or disappear all together.

Fortunately however, when you focus your mind and get the shock, panic, sadness, disappointment and anger (and other associated emotions) out of the way, with a little guidance you will find that your thoughts and therefore your future can be more within your control.

The emotions felt when laid off are a normal reaction and when you understand them, you realise they are a natural part of the process of dealing with the job loss, and then you can reduce and replace them.

These initial emotions can be intimidating and even somewhat frightening when you don't expect them. Learn to manage them and you then feel better, and more productive and more focussed.

Realise you have much to offer a new employer. Begin helping yourself to move on. Be more confident in yourself.
When your future looks and feels brighter, when you can see opportunities, you can think more clearly and once again you move on ~ more easily. This hypnotherapy based audio program is not meant to replace any of the many books on job seeking but many of them lack the detail needed to help the reader to move on emotionally.

This audio recording will aid the emotional recovery and renewal. It will give:

~ Insights into the mind body connection (the effect of the mind on the body),

~ Suggestion and imagery and relaxation, all the things in fact that my work has become well known for doing.

In the early 1980’s l was laid off and understand the pain, the hurt the fear and the anger, as well as the pressures and demands which come with such a situation.

‘Laid Off, Move On’ includes Two CDs covering 7 tracks with over 130 minutes of structured recording and a suggested listening schedule.

I believe it is vital to show people how they can make a difference to and for themselves and their loved ones. Even if the picture of events cannot change, we can see them through different eyes, and that helps us to see things in a new perspective, to help motivate us to move on, to make the changes needed.

The innovative and therapeutic sessions in this program aim to provide you with new insight, and tools to create new thought processes, and to adapt and move on, not only on an emotional level, but with positive action as well.

I wish you well,