Monday 13 July 2009


Having been made redundant in the early 80's in that recession I have a feeling and memory of what it is like to be redundant, out of work, laid off and all the other descriptors brought to this situation. None however seem to sum up what it really means.
It is not only the job that goes, it is the perception for many of reduced social standing, many find confidence and self esteem are impacted, ability and willingness to socialise are reduced. Quality of life can go down, memory and recall can be affected, emotions such as anger, guilt blame, shame, frustration, weepiness and many more besides can be experienced. For those who feel this way, consider clicking here, to read more about my Laid Off, Move On CD program set, specifically for this situation.
I wish you well, and a speedy journey back into employment.

Sunday 12 July 2009

Anxiety & Hypnosis

Anxiety / Anxious
These are those terms we use far to easily, like stress, we use that term to easily in every day life too. It, she, him, that stresses me, I feel / felt anxious all to commonly used in every day communication. Yet it is something we should be careful about doing, because these words Anxiety / Anxious / Stress, can close an individual down, stop them going out, socialising and living life to the full. Their effects can ripple out and touch the lives of partners and children, friends and work colleagues.

These conditions make life miserable, truly miserable for the sufferer, I know because I work with these conditions almost every day of my life, and have in the past experienced first hand the impact of them. And because of this, I decided to do something about it. Just as I did in the past when I decided to do something about the effects of IBS or irritable bowel syndrome and made a difference to the lives of thousands of people in the process. Just as I did when I developed the CD An Aid to Emotional Recovery After Breast Cancer. I do not find it an option to do nothing.

So, I developed the Anxiety audio program 120, the largest program I have ever undertaken, and I am pleased to say it is having the desired effects on users. It is heartening too to know that making a difference to the user, will ripple out positively to those supporting the anxiety sufferer. And that has to be good.

To all those who suffer with anxiety, be aware that all things are transient, they will pass. Remember too each moment is an end and a new beginning, and that simply means just because we feel anxious one moment, doesn't mean it will remain that way.
I wish you all well

Saturday 11 July 2009

Back Again!

After a few months away form the blog, its good to be back again. In the time away many things have been happening, but somethings have to always take priority, such as customers!

I insist on maintaining service levels, and product availability, and answering emails as soon as possible. Certainly no-one should have to wait more than 6 working hours for a reply even if it is an acknowledgement we are dealing with the email. Even in our most busy times.

In addition to the normal routines, I have been optimising our site, adding new pages, overseeing the promotion of my Anxiety audio program. We have a new person with us now too, Carl, will be looking after promotion and PR so he will free me up to do other things.

I continue to work with patients on a one to one basis too, in addition to my time in Healthy Audio

My hypnotes column in Warrington-World-Wide continue to attract readers and comment so that is good. If you would like to look at my hypnotes selection click here

Its good to be back.
Keep well