Monday 19 October 2009

Anxiety Treatment Hypnosis

Late last week I received a wonderful email from a
user of my Anxiety Treatment hypnosis program. I was delighted with this feedback which captures, what I wanted to achieve when I developed the program. The user as you will read below has not yet completed the program, but I suspect she can look forward to more benefits.

Hi Mike, Just wanted to say thanks for the anxiety programme I am really enjoying it and find I can really relate to all the things you say! Although not yet finished it I thought I would send an update. I found the resource libraries very good and explanations you give are an excellent description of the way it sometimes feels! Basically it feels as though the whole programme was written for me personally! When I get my dizzy spells I just think to myself its only anxiety its just a thought! I have made some positive progress feeling a lot more confidant
On the whole I am feeling pretty good still have bad days but they are just that days as opposed to weeks. Thanks again ~Laura B Cheshire England
I think it is important for all those who are anxious and see no way out of their anxiety feelings to understand that there are options. I suspect this program will be used as a last resort by many users, this was the case with my IBS Audio Program 100 in the early days. For some it is difficult to understand how just listening to a CD can help. (This program is 6 CDs, or MP3 download, contains 2 resource library tracks, 2 familiarisation tracks, 10 interlinked sessions, a listening schedule, symptoms check list and other relevant information for the user.
The very short answer I give people when I am asked about this is as follows.
It's really quite simple, each and every thought creates a physical response, so if you change the thought you change the response. If you change the thought of expectation you change the response too. If you choose to think differently life too can be different.
So anyone who is suffering with anxiety and panic attacks,
1st: remember reading this,
2nd: bookmark my site, and
3rd: when the time is right (there is no hard sell on my site. Ever!) consider using it as
it might be the best thing you did to help yourself.

Saturday 17 October 2009

Irritable bowel Syndrome IBS in children

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS is a common motility problem of the digestive system. Research often cites the number of lost working days, social impact and other examples of how IBS blights the lives of sufferers. Many report in fact the majority reports are relating to the impact of IBS in adults, but what about children who have irritable bowel syndrome, what is their story?

Some 10 years ago I released the IBS Audio Program 100 for adults, as I was one of the first to recognise the emotional impact this condition has on the IBS sufferer, now it appears others in the field of gastroenterology are more fully recognising the importance emotions play in compounding the IBS condition.

But what about IBS in our children? What about the fear and unknowing this condition brings to our children, in addition to the physical aspects of the condition? What about the missed days at school, what about the social impact and the missed days from work for parents or guardians?

In 2008 I was delighted to receive a local business innovation and research award for my work in paediatric IBS and the program I developed the IBS Audio Program 60 for children

For the ages of 8 – 13 years this audio program has interlinked sessions using imagery and suggestion to help reduce the physical symptoms and of course the emotional symptoms of this condition.

With a parental CD and listening schedule included for support, guidance and understanding this program is like its adult version, leading the way, quietly but effectively.

Friday 16 October 2009

Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS ~ save money

The IBS Audio Program 100 is the leading home IBS treatment program of its kind, developed for irritable bowel syndrome sufferers and has been available since 1998.

Now we have some 'nearly new stock', this is stock which has come back in from trade fairs or shows or for a number of other reasons.

IMPORTANTLY they are not seconds, they have never been used, and the packaging is intact too. We call them nearly new, because they have been out of our offices, and have been logged back into secondary stock.

To find out more click the link above or click here.

There has never been a better time to get this program. Stock is limited however.

Also on our IBS pages you will find lots of information to help you understand IBS too. Don't let this troublesome condition blight your life any longer.

Thursday 15 October 2009

Retirement phobia & bad dreams

I worked with a lovely lady recently who had a couple of problems, one of bad dreams; the other was a phobia of retiring. She has been a high flying professional business lady, self employed and had built a successful business with an equally impressive reputation. I will let Wendy Edwards tell her story.

Please click her to see and hear her story

The reason I have posted this is to show hypnotherapy is a treatment option that is often overlooked. However the types of problems it can help with is as wide and diverse as we are individuals.

People think of hypnosis for smoking and weight loss. Many people know of my work treating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) personally and through the successful IBS Audio Program 100 along with anxiety and breast cancer recover. But as Wendy attests the more unusual problems can be helped too.

Redundancy and being laid off

The news reports state more job losses, but the spin on the news is that the UK figures were not as bad as expected. This is no comfort for those who have been laid off redundant or for those who face the prospect of redundancy in the future.

In fact I was dismayed when I tried to get help from my local member of parliament (MP), who basically didn't answer any of my emails when I wanted help regarding my 'Laid Off Move On' audio set. This audio program was developed specifically to help those individuals affected deal with the emotional aspects of redundancy, the panic, anxiety, the mood swings, the lack of confidence, the feelings of guilt, self blame and much more. I simply wanted some guidance how to move on with this Audio CD set.

However not only were my emails ignored, our publicist's phone calls were not returned either. We are deciding how to respond to this, perhaps the answer is to just go to the national press and let them know about this apathy, but is there any news there given the public perception of most of our elected representatives at present?

Personally I find it beyond belief that a representative of the people is choosing to ignore the people, especially at these difficult times. There is plenty of hot air and spin on what is being done, but trying to quantify it is a different thing!

The program I developed is designed to help people to come to terms emotionally with redundancy, so they have the emotional energy and belief and drive to pull themselves up, to begin to look at CV preparation, to help them to a place where they can make good decisions regarding financial planning, to help them to be motivated to re-train and more.

All these are needed to help the individual and also society, but underpinning it all is the individuals own belief system and that is the foundation for growth, without it no matter how much the politicians want to make us belief they are helping, ignoring (or not even recognising it) this important aspect of individual growth, and thereby economic growth is folly. Not to mention the implications on other family members, economic costs and social costs.

I will continue to ask questions to those who are in a position to help me, and the many thousands who could benefit from this program, but I no longer expect any answers from the obvious areas.
However I do live in hope. And I do belief, despite the seeming apathy from some quarters, eventually I will be heard, since the message I have for the redundant jobless is too important to be ignored.

Monday 5 October 2009

An Aid to Emotional Recovery After Breast Cancer

With October being Breast Cancer Awareness month, I thought it right to give a gentle reminder of my CD program entitled ‘An Aid to Emotional Recovery After Breast Cancer’.

An Aid to Emotional Recovery after Breast Cancer© is a recording with a difference; Different because it was developed, recorded and piloted specifically for sufferers of breast cancer ~ women and men, and has helped many breast cancer patients over the years.

Having worked with cancer survivors for many years I identified a common thread of experience and often distress in my patients.

Simply, emotional support was either ill defined or explained to patients. This lack of knowledge and expectation often led patients to falter in their recovery, when they and everyone else expected it to continue. This recording explains why and how, and guides the listener back into recovery, gently and with sensitivity.

This audio recording is designed to help the individual emotionally during and following recovery. It is so often mentioned by recovering breast cancer patients that “people now just seem to think I am alright again”. Few people who have not gone through an emotional and physical trauma can understand the impact such occurrences have on the emotions of the individual. This audio program goes some way in helping in the all-important emotional healing which is needed before true recovery is felt and achieved.

As the title suggests, the CD (also on MP3 download) is an aid to emotional recovery. It is not an alternative to breast cancer treatment. The connection between mind and body is well known in medical circles, a positive mindset is acknowledged to aid both emotional and physical recovery.

The program has been reviewed and accepted as a suitable aid for breast cancer recovery by hospitals throughout England. Each hospital breast cancer team consisting of numerous physicians, oncologist nurses and specialists reviewed the CD before it was even considered to be recommended to patients.

Now, this program is not only available to patients via these hospitals, but to breast cancer survivors through my website as well.

It is my hope that this audio program is a start to providing additional resources in the area of emotional healing and support to those women who may not otherwise have had access to support of this kind previously.