Monday 31 May 2010

Home use IBS Treatment Audio Program

IBS Treatment Audio Program

Since 1998 the IBS Audio Program 100 has been helping people with all variants of IBS.
Now used in over 40 countries this trusted and proven home use audio program has quietly been providing relief for thousands of IBS sufferers.

IBS, as all sufferers will know is a common digestive disorder affecting up to 1 in 4 of the population at some time in their life. The most common physical symptoms are an urgency to need the toilet, pain, diarrhoea, constipation or alternating bowel habit, excess wind, bloating, bladder problems, fullness, nausea, pain in the back passage, lack of sex drive, pain during or after intercourse, disturbed sleep amongst others.

Modern medical science has no clear understanding of what causes IBS nor is there a medical cure; though through research some progress towards understanding the condition is developing.
As a clinical hypnotherapist who has spent many years researching and studying the IBS condition, in tandem with working with patients I believe the success of the IBS Audio Program 100 is based on several things, one being the understanding (which leading research bodies are now recognising) of the importance of the psychological impact of IBS on the individual.

People with IBS so often despair that the emotional impact of IBS is either ignored or simply not recognised by many in the medical profession. Anxiety, lack of confidence, diminished self esteem, weepiness, impatience, intolerance, poor memory and concentration and much more.

Emotions matter, plain and simple! Each thought we have creates a physical response, if the thought is about IBS, which for many starts the moment they open their eyes in the morning, then the body will respond. In the case of an IBS-D sufferer, if they are a teacher, what happens if they need the toilet in class, or a policeman on the beat, a fire fighter on call, or a mother picking up her child from school? What about the office worker who dreads meetings or presentations because of 'stomach gurgling', or even walking frequently to the bathroom? What about the cancelled trips out, the same too for the day trips out with the family, the last minute cancelling of social engagements? What clothes should they wear, if stomach distension and tenderness develop during the day? What if the agonising cramps and stabbing pains get to bad to walk, work or socialise.

All these and many more situations have an impact. And it builds over the weeks, months and years the IBS sufferer has to manage. They spend a fortune on ‘snake-oil products’, they are desperate, and therefore vulnerable. These thoughts have to be taken seriously.

See my video describing the importance of emotional energy and some of the impacts of low emotional energy in the lives of IBS sufferers.

The IBS Audio Program 100 is not a panacea, but it was developed specifically for IBS sufferers. Nor is a simple CD dealing with stress. It is structured listening program, the benefits of which often turn the lives around for listeners. We often receive unsolicited testimonials from around the globe thanking us for our work developing this program. We say we work quietly, but our work can cause a positive storm of excitement and positive developments in improving the Quality of Life (QoL) of our customers.

Two things trouble me however. Firstly it is the fact that even though the IBS Audio Program 100 helps many people to walk away from the IBS condition, I can’t say it is a cure. Why? Because IBS is a collection of symptoms, and although the medical profession do not find anything physically wrong, after looking for more sinister conditions of which IBS symptoms can mimic, the IBS label is attached.

And as mentioned earlier while the IBS Audio Program 100 isn’t a panacea, because no medication or treatment or therapy is, we can’t use the word cure for those who walk away from their physical and emotional symptoms, because the medical profession say there is nothing physically wrong to begin with!

And secondly, hypnotherapy has been an advised treatment option in the UK since February 2008 where the NICE guidelines state, hypnotherapy for IBS, deemed a psychological therapy by NICE, should be considered after twelve months of non effective pharmacological treatment, so why isn’t it? And more to the point, if I can add one further question, why should it be a last resort, not a first option, for in the same report hypnotherapy for IBS in children is suggested to be a first treatment option?

I am sure greater brains than mine are thinking about this, but it is a frustration for me. I know for my patients and users of the IBS Audio Program 100 also.
So many of whom walk away with great improvements in their quality of life, wonder why they had to experience years of pain, reduced quality of life, disappointment, repeated intrusive investigations, in some cases professional disbelief, spend literally thousands of pounds / dollars seeking for a solution before finding one. For them it is beyond frustration!

I wish you well,
