Thursday, 8 September 2011

Back to work hypnosis program

My hypnosis program called Laid Off, Move On which is designed to help people back to work after being laid off or made redundant is now 50% discounted for downloads.

Creating the right framework for getting people back to work must be one of the main goals for government to get the economy moving again.  However it is private business not the state which creates wealth, but with red tape and employment taxes this is not easy.

Laid Off Move On audio ProgramTo compound the problem for private businesses they also need to find people for the jobs they create who can get up to speed quickly, interact effectively with new co-workers and understand new policy and procedure’s with confidence.   

Unfortunately many people who have been laid off or made redundant often have emotional baggage caused by the way their redundancy was handled. Confidence and self-esteem can be affected deeply, memory and concentration can also be impacted and many other areas of the individual’s sense of well-being can often be  reduced.

And yet confidence and focus and individual surety are some of the things that are looked for and needed by potential new employers.

My Laid Off, Move On audio program was designed specifically for these individuals, to give the individual an edge over their rivals. To relearn their own self-worth, drive and determination, and to help them to move on.

Having being made redundant in the recession of the 1980’s I understand the emotional impact of being out of work, so the Laid Off, Move On, audio program is based on not only my personal experience, but 25 years’ professional experience as a clinical hypnotherapist, alongside my outplacement experience some years ago.

The program is 50% discounted for immediate downloads. With 2 CDs, 7 tracks and listening schedule, it is an important part of returning to work process.

Friday, 15 July 2011

IBS Hypnotherapist goes to Palace

On Tuesday 12th July 2011,
I attended the Queens Garden party at Buckingham Palace after being nominated for my research and development work and my ‘innovative health solutions programs’ which cover Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in adults, and also in children. Along with my work in emotional recovery after breast cancer, and others.

The Garden Party is a long-established reward to those whose toil for their local communities, or success in their professions, deserves recognition. By coincidence a few days earlier I was celebrating my 25th year in practice.

And yes, for those interested, I did partake the famous cucumber sandwiches on the palace lawns!

The day was very enjoyable, and my guest thought so too, certainly a day to remember.

Friday, 8 April 2011

IBS Awareness Month ~ New IBS Video

Three little letters have such a huge impact on an estimated 20% of the population. IBS are three letters that are commonly heard but less often understood. IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a common digestive disorder which negatively affects the lives of millions of people every day. It is a condition that affects people physically and emotionally and there is no medical cure. That being said there is plenty of hope for relief of IBS symptoms both physically and emotionally. The IBS Audio Program 100 for adults has more than 12 years history in helping people in over 40 countries to reduce and manage the symptoms, some people simply ‘walking away from the symptoms’ completely. This IBS home use program uses specific interlinked hypnotherapy processes along with the proven ‘ongoing progressive session induction method’ (OPSIM) to maximise user experience and outcomes. For the younger IBS sufferer the IBS Audio Program 60 for children is available. In the UK hypnotherapy is a suggested treatment option for IBS patients after 12 months of non effective pharmacological treatment. Please take a look at my informational IBS video

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Irritable Bowel Syndrome New Year, New Start?

Much has been written about the New Year and overcoming challenges and looking to new opportunities and change for 2011.

But for many people who suffer with Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS, which affects as many as one in five or 20% of the population, the challenge for overcoming IBS is sadly, ongoing from year to year.

One of the biggest aggravations can be the way IBS is perceived even by the medical community who provides the diagnosis. So many times, the condition is dismissed as “only” IBS. How demeaning this is to the one who suffers with it. I have had one IBS patient tell me that her gastroenterologist could treat the severe pain of his colon cancer patients with better success than he could treat his IBS patients. So how can this condition be defined so dismissively?

Yes, it is true, that a diagnosis of IBS is not a fatal one. And for that, patients are relieved and grateful. But once that reassurance has been comprehended, the new reality of living with a disorder that affects every single aspect of their life can be so daunting, that some IBS patients may entertain some dark thoughts about going on living in constant pain and with debilitating symptoms.

To be told that the diagnosis is “only” IBS by a medical professional simply shows lack of understanding of the impact IBS has on the individual’s life.

I first started working with patients diagnosed with IBS in 1991, so I feel well placed to tell you IBS is serious, it affects the lives of millions of people, it costs industry millions in lost working days and productivity, it is a drain on health service providers, and it impacts family and friends. It is serious because it takes away options of choices made in everyday life, it limits outlook on life and can cause anxiety and in some depression or even some dark thoughts of continuing existence as mentioned.

I developed the IBS Audio Program 100 which has helped thousands of IBS sufferers since its launch in 1998, and it continues to do so to this day, if it is given a chance. The IBS Audio Program 100 is a structured process of interlinked sessions developed specifically for IBS. Of course it is not a cure or panacea, there is no one single treatment option existing which is, but many people have found it to help when other treatment options have failed.

As with any treatment method, the program needs time and effort to be spent on it. It needs to be completed and the listening structure followed as outlined. The IBS Audio Program 100 is developed in such a way that even when it is completed it continues to aid the listener.

Over the years I have spoken to people who said they tried it as a last resort, when nothing else had helped. Their symptoms improved 10 or 20%, but they didn’t feel it was enough of an improvement, so they gave up. Some simply did not want to spend time on themselves. What they fail to understand is a 10 or 20% improvement, when nothing else has helped them in the past is a good improvement! They simply do not see it. Asked if they completed the program the answer is often no, so they sabotaged themselves. And then they think the program failed them, so they move onto the next thing, prepared to fail again.

Even though there is no cure for IBS, there are many people who have used the IBS Audio Program successfully and are now getting on with their lives. And the vast majority of those who have seen success with the program, did not obtain relief from previous treatments. Those who saw success put in the necessary time and effort, they are the ones who decided at some time in their lives that they would meet the challenge, do something different to help themselves and stick with it.

It is for those people that the IBS Audio Program 100 was developed for. Our website, does not have hard sell approach, we provide information and leave it for the reader to decide whether to buy or not. In fact my staff tell people if they are in any doubt, not to buy any of our programs, it is better to wait until they are sure, when they have tried everything else first, and then when they are ready to work with any of our programs that is the time to buy.

So as we move into 2011, we all would like to be optimistic. Some things we have no control over, but we do have some control over how we can address our health issues, and if you have IBS, you do have an excellent chance to overcome your IBS. All it takes is listening and relaxing for about one-half hour per day, and completing the 100 day listening schedule. If you need help and support along the way, or you feel you aren’t improving as you would like to, that support is available to you. Giving up before looking into all of the options provided by the IBS Audio Program and our staff, is short-changing yourself - diminishing your opportunity for success.

In the UK and perhaps for other countries, it is expected to be a pretty tough year on the economic and social fronts, with rising unemployment, increasing pressures on those in work, pressure on incomes and ultimately family and relationships. For those with IBS, this will only serve to aggravate the condition, increase anxiety, reduce confidence and self-esteem in many individuals.

I sincerely hope that people understand that without the determination to change, and to stick with those choices, things will stay the same, without motivation, situations will remain the same or deteriorate, and that we need to be pro-active when it comes to our health and simply blaming others for our own lack of resolve is a diminishing option of choice.

To those who have read this far, I thank you for your time, and wish you and all those you love a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2011