Creating the right framework for getting people back to work
must be one of the main goals for government to get the economy moving again. However it is private business not the state which
creates wealth, but with red tape and employment taxes this is not easy.

Unfortunately many people who have been laid off or made
redundant often have emotional baggage caused by the way their redundancy was
handled. Confidence and self-esteem can be affected deeply, memory and
concentration can also be impacted and many other areas of the individual’s
sense of well-being can often be reduced.
And yet confidence and focus and individual surety are some
of the things that are looked for and needed by potential new employers.
My Laid Off, Move On audio program was designed specifically
for these individuals, to give the individual an edge over their rivals. To
relearn their own self-worth, drive and determination, and to help them to move
Having being made redundant in the recession of the 1980’s I
understand the emotional impact of being out of work, so the Laid Off, Move On,
audio program is based on not only my personal experience, but 25 years’ professional
experience as a clinical hypnotherapist, alongside my outplacement experience some
years ago.
The program is 50% discounted for immediate downloads. With
2 CDs, 7 tracks and listening schedule, it is an important part of returning to
work process.