Tuesday, 12 February 2013

IBS Audio Program 100 Discount

Since 1998 the IBS Audio Program 100 has been helping adult sufferers of Irritable Bowel Syndrome to reduce the physical and emotional aspects of IBS, and to get on with living a happy life, some users even walking away from the IBS symptoms completely.

This program was years in the making using specific hypnosis processes, I researched, developed, trialled and brought to market what is now the leading program of its kind.  Used by IBS sufferers in more than 45 countries, it is tried and trusted and available in CD Set or immediate MP3 download.

It’s like having your own therapist at home, but without the huge expense, the travelling, appointment times, traffic delays, time off work etc.

The IBS Audio Program 60 for Children (8 – 13 years) has been helping children with IBS since 2008, it uses different suggestions and imagery, but also uses the OPSIM method of delivery, as does the 100 program for adults, maximising the benefits of the recordings.

To see all my self help audio -programs click here

Monday, 11 February 2013

Stress Release Audio Program 80

Stress is rising, the effects of stress on individuals and businesses is taking its toll. Stress is ignored at your own peril; stress is no respecter of age, background or gender.

Poor coping strategies such as illegal drugs or excessive drinking of alcohol is no answer, and the medical profession have no magic wand to wave the problem away.

Recently we have seen redundancies announced at HMV, stress and concern for those being made redundant will of course be reflected in those who are to retain their jobs.  Other companies and organisations are reducing their workforce, the pressure of work, the thought of no work, the expectations of more work being given to those who remain behind all contributes  to increasing stress levels.

Families of those affected are also put under increasing stress. The economic side effects are lower productivity, increased absenteeism, higher costs through temporary staff covering and increased occasions of arriving late.  In the short term, stress may reduce the absenteeism in some organisations, but will it be maintained, or will it simply lead to higher stress and related problems in the future?

Stress is the outstripping of internal resources, by internal or external demands; whether they are real or perceived make little difference!   Stress however is much more than a word, or a few sentences.  Some people make an entire career out of understanding stress; such is the complexity of the subject.

In short, stress has to be understood, and managed to reduce it in a healthy and productive way.

The Stress Release Audio Program 80 was developed to aid stress reduction, to bring understanding of what stress is and is not, and to deliver a structured, gentle learning process to the listener.

Using hypnotherapy to reduce stress and bring understanding, options of choice and considerations to the listener, this home use audio program is the ideal aid in beginning to manage your stress and lead to a happier life.   

Why let the stress rule you, potentially ruin relationships, careers and professions, when you can do something about it? And there is plenty you can do, if you choose to! The responsibility is yours.

Stress should not be ignored, if you ignore it, there are some pretty convincing research that eventually the stress may well be a contributing factor for other health conditions to develop. Again it’s your choice.

Please click this link to see the Stress Release AudioProgram 80 structure, read about its 14 interlinked tracks, and of course as with any of my major programs it comes with a user guide containing listening schedule and other relevant information.


In my Equations in life download, I mention one equation in life, and that it;
From the legal age of adulthood, we take responsibility for what we chose to do. But because its and equation, there is another side to.  So not only do you take responsibility for what you chose to do, you also take responsibility for what you chose not to do!  Simple.

However if we develop some stress related illness or condition and we did nothing to prevent it, then we cannot complain about it, because it could have been avoided, but we chose not too!