Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Each moment an end and a new begining

Adapted from my Anxiety Audio Program 120

When we are facing difficulties in life, however we feel in one moment, does not mean we will feel that way forever.

When we feel down and depressed, or pressured and worried, or in pain or feeling lonely or unsure, remind yourself it won’t always be like this.

And I can tell you why too.  We, as human beings, are always changing. Every moment is an end and a new beginning. 

Anxiety Audio Program 120
We are constantly changing.  You have never in your life had as much experience, knowledge, skills, talents or gifts as you do now.  Ever!

And each moment we are changing.  If you were to stop reading this now, and go for a walk around your room or around the block, or into the garden,  you the person who stopped reading this article, would not be the same exact person who come back to finish reading this blog.

You would be different, perhaps only slightly, but the fact is you would have changed. If you went into the garden, you would see the flowers; feel the sun or the rain or the wind, the pressure of your steps, the sensation of movement and thousands of other things besides.

So your experience in the garden changed you, gave you more knowledge, sensations, awareness, thoughts and lots of other things too.

This process is going on all the time, reading this article is changing you, everything we do, think and say changes us, adding to our experiences, knowledge and much more.

So by that simple example you can identify that you are constantly changing. You made a decision to read this blog, so you are consciously helping yourself to change, changing your outlook, expectations and knowledge base.  By changing these things you change your perspectives too.

By now you will perhaps have read something new, something for you to think about or consider.  And when you think about what has been suggested, it can be understood that we are constantly changing and the way we are at one moment in time does not have to remain that way into the next moment of time, so do look forward to change, look forward to understanding that the way you think and feel constantly changes. 

If we think differently we change the way we feel.  So all that said, allow yourself a little time to consider what you have read, just consider it, and if it makes some sense then use this information to help remind yourself that current difficulties, or future, will not last for ever. If what you have read makes no sense, then at least you had to consider this information and the reasons why you reject it, but either way, it will have changed you!

Go to my website

Monday, 16 July 2012

The light at the end of the tunnel!

In my recording ‘Reflections on Life’ I mention that common phrase used by people when they are hopeful of a positive outcome “the light at the end of the tunnel”

When people are in a low mood particularly when they are working through a major life issue, or many smaller issues at the same time, or having to cope with their IBS, or pain, or anxiety or whatever life has thrown at them they  sometimes use the phrase ‘ I can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel’

You might have heard that phrase or might even use it yourself.  Well if you do, here’s a thought for you to consider.

Consider that statement, ‘I can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel’ and then imagine it.

Take a few moments and just imagine it, right now.

Having done that, it is likely that you imagined the tunnel, as being long, dark and straight, perhaps like wading through treacle with the hope of a glimmer light at the end. 

Well if that is the image you conjured up then imagine in your thoughts, grasping it, screwing it up and throwing it away.

Because ever since you were born, you have not had (or  rarely had) a long straight journey in your life.  Journeys through life are a series of peaks and troughs, lefts and rights, twists and turns and ups and downs.

Because of this we can remind ourselves that there is rarely any incentive to tread a long, dark tunnel in the vague hope of reaching some sort of flicker of positive light at the end of it.

To imagine the journey like that makes it even more difficult to keep motivated, resolute and focussed on recovery or getting through the difficult issues; in fact this image often leads to self-sabotaging thoughts.

So think about this journey differently!  By thinking about this journey like the other journeys  you have had through life, as a series of ups and downs, peaks and troughs, lefts and rights, twists and turns.

By doing this you only have to take a few steps forward and then look left or right and that’s where the light may be, since light does not travel around corners, you can never be sure if the next step in your journey is when you will see the light.

This makes the most difficult of journeys easier to deal with emotionally.

You might be so close to a solution to the problem, to feeling better in mind and body, happy in your outlook on life, more focussed, more determined. All these and more could be just a step away, not a long tiring trudge in the dark tunnel of uncertainty.

Life is like a good book, the next page, or chapter bringing new excitement.  The light of hope, change or learning could just be just around the corner waiting for you. And as each moment is an end and a new beginning, you can look forward with expectancy of better things to come.

No longer sabotaging yourself with that old dark tunnel, but now looking for the light much closer to you, which you might discover in the next few moments of life….

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Don't be a hostage to IBS

Michael Mahoney
Author IBS Audio Program 100
Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS is no respector of age or background. It affects young and old, fit and ill, working or retired, male and female.

Not only does it cause physical and emotional pain and discomfort, for many it leaves them housebound, it can result in the loss of employment, reduced school hours, reduced socialising.

It can mean additonal costs for medication which is often limited in its effectiveness. Child care fees, prescription charges, insurance costs all add to the burden of IBS, which by and large is considered to be 'non serious' by many in the medical profession.

And yet, I see people at the end of their patience, reduced to tears by this condition.  Little did I know when I started researching IBS in 1991, that 21 years later, I would still be seeing people with IBS, the medical profession having come marginally closer to understanding the condition, but no closer to curing it or certain about its causes.

Every working day in my practice I see the effects of IBS, physical, emotional and financial. People losing pay through reduced hours caused by IBS absenteeism. Struggling with rising bills, losing faith in the medical profession, wondering just how much longer they can go on.

Fortunately all the study and research and development I did all those years ago, is still bringing relief to IBS sufferers through the IBS Audio Program 100, developed specifically for the IBS condition in 1998.

We proved not only a good product, but excellent customer service too. Supporting our customers by phone, and email, overseen by patient advocate Marilyn who understand the IBS condition and its effects inside and out.

I see the IBS Audio Program 100 as a rescuer for many IBS sufferers.  Many users find they can manage or walk away from their symptoms. As the author of the IBS Audio Program 100, I never call it a cure, simply because the medical profession cannot find anything wrong after investigations, so, the logic goes, if tere is noting wrong, it cannot be cured!

Frustrating to say the least.  Whatever the results are called, whether a cure, or improved quality of life, managing the problem or walking away from IBS, all that really matters is that some relief has been found for the individual and this brings benefits to their loved ones too.

So when things feel difficult, and you seem to have nowhere to turn, consider looking a little closer at the IBS Audio Program 100. Imagine 100 days from now (20 October 2012) or even sooner, feeling happier, more comfortable and empowered.

No longer a hostage of IBS!

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

New Video of Healthy Audio Products.

For many years now we have been developing self help audio programs for a wide range of clinical conditions of mind and body, such as IBS, Anxiety, confidence and self esteem, in addition to helping with stop smoking and our Laid Off Move On program for those who have been made involuntarily redundant / laid off.

In additon to the titles you see in our video, we have several others in development, and the next one to be released is our multi CD,  interlinked multi track (14 in all) OPSIM structured Stress Management Audio Program 80, a major piece of work, and one we are excited to be releasing shortly.

If you would like to know more about this new program, and receive a discount code on the day of its release (1st August for download version)  simply for expressiing an interest then please email sales@healthyaudio.com with Stress Interest in the subject line.

Many thanks for your interest,



Monday, 9 July 2012

Go for your own Gold Medal

As I write this on a dark wet and windy summers morning in July my mind wonders to the Olympics and the gradual build up to the greatest sporting even in the world.  A competition of the very best athletes coming together to take part in 300 events, all of them dreaming of winning a gold medal.   It is expected 147 national will take part in the Paralympics too.  

This event is where medals can be won or lost in a fraction of a second. The difference of being a gold medallist and a bronze medallist can be thousandths of a second, a fraction of a moment which can affect an individual for the rest of their lives. To become a household name overnight, or forgotten in moments. A place where comparisons are made, who is the best, the fastest, the most agile, who has the best stamina, and so it goes on.
Anxiety Audio Program 120

However it isn’t just at the Olympics that this constant comparing goes on, it goes on in everyday life. Many individuals compare themselves to others wishing they had the talents, skills, looks, position at work, or money of someone else, and yet I believe this thinking is flawed.  Many people look out at what others have or can do, rather than looking at themselves more closely.

We are all individuals, and if we are individual, that means we are a one off, we are unique. And if we are unique, then there is no one like us, and if there is no one like us, we cannot compare ourselves to others. So why do we so often go through life trying to do so?
IBS Audio Program 100
for Adults.

Instead we should consider comparing ourselves, to ourselves! It isn’t as strange as it might initially seem.  I often ask my clients to put themselves on a scale from zero to ten. Zero being the worst (when we first met) to ten being the very best they can imagine.  By doing so each time we meet, we can gauge the improvements that our working together brings.  As they go higher up the scale, the more improvements they are noticing in themselves. Their focus becomes more about making positive changes to themselves, releasing and letting go of things no longer needed, and building new skills and belief systems.

Confidence & Self-Esteem
Each moment is an end and a new beginning, a significant change or new belief or understanding can happen in a heartbeat or even quicker, in a mere moment of time. Putting energy into changing and adapting helps us to move on in life more easily. Of course many times is has to be worked at, discipline, commitment and focus are all needed, but it is worth it.

So unless you are preparing for the Olympics, consider focusing on your own uniqueness, look at pushing barriers and limitations, learning new skills and understandings and developing your own uniqueness. That way, you too will eventually feel how it feels to be your very best. You may not be an Olympic athlete and you may never win a gold Olympic medal, but you may well find that you can be perfectly you!