Monday 16 July 2012

The light at the end of the tunnel!

In my recording ‘Reflections on Life’ I mention that common phrase used by people when they are hopeful of a positive outcome “the light at the end of the tunnel”

When people are in a low mood particularly when they are working through a major life issue, or many smaller issues at the same time, or having to cope with their IBS, or pain, or anxiety or whatever life has thrown at them they  sometimes use the phrase ‘ I can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel’

You might have heard that phrase or might even use it yourself.  Well if you do, here’s a thought for you to consider.

Consider that statement, ‘I can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel’ and then imagine it.

Take a few moments and just imagine it, right now.

Having done that, it is likely that you imagined the tunnel, as being long, dark and straight, perhaps like wading through treacle with the hope of a glimmer light at the end. 

Well if that is the image you conjured up then imagine in your thoughts, grasping it, screwing it up and throwing it away.

Because ever since you were born, you have not had (or  rarely had) a long straight journey in your life.  Journeys through life are a series of peaks and troughs, lefts and rights, twists and turns and ups and downs.

Because of this we can remind ourselves that there is rarely any incentive to tread a long, dark tunnel in the vague hope of reaching some sort of flicker of positive light at the end of it.

To imagine the journey like that makes it even more difficult to keep motivated, resolute and focussed on recovery or getting through the difficult issues; in fact this image often leads to self-sabotaging thoughts.

So think about this journey differently!  By thinking about this journey like the other journeys  you have had through life, as a series of ups and downs, peaks and troughs, lefts and rights, twists and turns.

By doing this you only have to take a few steps forward and then look left or right and that’s where the light may be, since light does not travel around corners, you can never be sure if the next step in your journey is when you will see the light.

This makes the most difficult of journeys easier to deal with emotionally.

You might be so close to a solution to the problem, to feeling better in mind and body, happy in your outlook on life, more focussed, more determined. All these and more could be just a step away, not a long tiring trudge in the dark tunnel of uncertainty.

Life is like a good book, the next page, or chapter bringing new excitement.  The light of hope, change or learning could just be just around the corner waiting for you. And as each moment is an end and a new beginning, you can look forward with expectancy of better things to come.

No longer sabotaging yourself with that old dark tunnel, but now looking for the light much closer to you, which you might discover in the next few moments of life….