Wednesday 4 January 2012

Help your IBS the long, hard expensive and frustration way!

(Or take the short cut and use our way!)

You have been diagnosed with IBS, (you do need a diagnosis of IBS from a medical professional, since some of its symptoms can mimic more sinister conditions).

Your diagnosis is out of the way, You dutifully follow the advice and guidance, and medications given by your medical professional.

Then perhaps for the first few weeks / months you have hope,

but it fades as the medications, the repeat prescriptions and doctor appointments deliver very little benefit.

A few more weeks / months down the line

you decide to get a second opinion / more tests / try something different. Little helps, and your concern mounts as a nagging feeling develops deep at the back of your mind, that this is not going to go away quickly / it might be with your for ever!

After more time / tests / appointments / expense, you decide to try something else / anything to make a difference!

Hopes rise,

only to be dashed again, as the juices / potions / irrigation / over the counter medicines / are just not hitting the spot!
The nagging that was deep in your mind is now at the forefront of your mind, will this ever get any better? You even consider quick fix promise products / snake-oil products / way out there stuff / obvious funnel sales sites, sucking you in slowly to make a sale, because there has to be something, out there, Doesn't there?

Your mood may be getting lower / relationships more difficult / lost days at work or college increase / you have spent a fortune and no closer to improvement.

The alarm bells are ringing, a reluctant resignation creeps into your life, you worry this is it, for the rest of your days, the pain, the urgency, the rushing, the bloating, constipation, deeper mood swings, tenderness, no light at the end of the tunnel, anxiety, life closing in, relationships strained after so many dashed hopes and so it goes on.

You either give up or keep searching.

But it doesn’t have to be this way, Okay you’ve heard this before, but not from me!

Did you know Hypnotherapy is recognised as a valid treatment option for IBS?
(You might not know how words can help IBS let alone the physical / emotional aspects, but they can, and often do!)

Did you know in the UK Hypnotherapy is one of the recommended talking therapies RECOMMNEDED to DOCTORS to use with patients, by the National Institute of Clinical Health and Excellence (NICE) the body which governs medical treatment in the UK?

But, it suggests only after 12 months of non effective pharmacological treatment. Quite why it is seen as secondry treatment option, when it has so much evidence of being beneficial, and when many GPs and consultants admit they have little to offer in the longer term!

Did you know there is over 25 years proven, medical and scientific studies in the UK / USA and elsewhere showing hypnotherapy is a valid treatment option for IBS?
Okay, but they are all conducted in clinics, selected patients etc. Some might not consider it the real world.

Maybe, but our program has been proven in the real world with real people, many who have tried everything else, some referred, some stumbling upon us, many with multiple and diverse symptoms and backgrounds, but many found our IBS Audio Program helped them)

And did you know the leading IBS Audio Program is ours. The IBS Audio Program 100 which has 14 years proven history of helping many sufferers of IBS.
(Successful, because it was developed over many years, by myself, who took the time to learn about the IBS condition, and after working with many patients successfully.

I worked with IBS patients when all else failed, when no one else would listen or believe / with those who had been  referred to me with intractable IBS by the medical profession who recognised my approach worked for their patients.

I believe I was first to incorporate the importance of the emotional self into my program / Even now the importance of the emotional aspects of IBS are only just being recognised in some research quarters).

A program specifically developed for IBS sufferers.(It was specifically developed for IBS symptoms / of body / mind / emotions.
Now used in over 40 countries, a full home use course, no travelling / no appointments / no repeat costs, enjoyable & structured and cost effective)

And, for the first week in January there is 20% discount on the immediate download, and 10% off the CD sets.

So when you have tried everything else, when you really want to try one more time, then try our IBS Audio Program 100, many users wish they had used it first / but at least now you have found us!